Things have changed in our workplaces recently. Since social media can provide a lot of information about who everyone is in real life, it is inevitable that professional work life will also be affected. Just as you can access all the information of a company you want to work for in a simple google search, people can easily access your information and what is said about you. This means that it is now much more important to maintain your professional stance at all times. Here are a few small tips to achieve this.
Schedule your meetings during working hours
Although working hours now seem to extend far beyond the 9-5, it is extremely important to schedule your meetings during working hours. Otherwise, you and your colleagues may come to the meeting for completely different purposes. A meeting scheduled for Friday evening will not be a business meeting for both parties.
Manage social media carefully
Before you post that photo of you high on a Saturday night, remember that everyone can see it. In addition, you may post things on your profile that offend the brand you work for. So clean up your profile. Yes, you heard right. For things that are accessible and very personal, go to the privacy settings and separate the posts that only your friends can see. For the rest, clean up any content you find objectionable.
Using personal communication apps for commercial purposes is mixing private and business life and can have tragic consequences. Most businesses now use personal communication apps like Facebook Messenger, iMessage or WhatsApp to communicate quickly. We all do it to be fast, but it also increases the risk of accidentally sending a message like ‘I love you baby’ to your customer. That’s why it’s better to use professional communication tools instead of personal messengers.
Do not overdo it
Your work environment may be very relaxed. However, a comment or an overreaction in the workplace can be misinterpreted by people and have unexpected consequences. Don’t rely on open-minded office layouts, table tennis and relaxed dress codes and remember that your professional identity is above all else.
Know how to discriminate
By making a distinction between your work and personal life, you will minimize embarrassing accidents. Remember that personal communication channels can be a threat to you and always separate these accounts.