The appointments of rectors to the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, General Directorate of Foundations, Turkish Patent and Trademark Office and 6 universities were published in the Official Gazette.
According to the appointment decisions signed by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ahmet Can Acaroğlu was appointed as the Director General of Legal Services and Ertan Göv was appointed as the Deputy Director General of Education, Research and Coordination.
Olympic runner-up, world and European champion national wrestler Rıza Kayaalp was appointed as Sports Counselor at the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Ministry of Treasury and Finance
Ministry of Treasury and Finance dismissed Bilecik Treasurer Mustafa Şahin, Diyarbakır Treasurer Mecit Özdemir, Kars Treasurer Senem Topal and Kilis Treasurer Zekeriya Keleş.
Treasury Controllers Halil Yanık, Murat Erinç Bayrakcı and Alper Ergen were appointed to the open positions of Treasury Chief Controllers at the Ministry of Treasury and Finance.
Deputy Treasury and Finance Inspector Pınar Bilgen was appointed to the open position of Treasury and Finance Inspector at the Ministry of Treasury and Finance.
Ministry of National Education
Ministry of National Education appointed Cengiz Karakaşoğlu as Bayburt Provincial Director of National Education, Yasin Tepe as Gaziantep Provincial Director of National Education, Seydi Doğan as Gümüşhane Provincial Director of National Education, Seyit Ali Büyük as Konya Provincial Director of National Education, Seyit Ali Büyük as Çorum Provincial Director of National Education, Pervin Töre as Muğla Provincial Director of National Education, Emin Engin as Muş Provincial Director of National Education, Bilal Gür as Hakkari Provincial Director of National Education and Mehmet Fatih Vargeloğlu as Ordu Provincial Director of National Education.
Seyfullah Okumuş was appointed as Aydın Provincial Director of National Education and Yakup Sarı, Mardin Provincial Director of National Education, was appointed as Çorum Provincial Director of National Education.
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
Murat Baştor, 1st Regional Director Murat Baştor was appointed to the Directorate General of Transportation Services Regulation, Burak Aykan to the Deputy Directorate General of Maritime Affairs, Mükremin Kara to the Directorate of Transportation Safety Review Center, Esma Dilek to the Deputy Directorate General of Communication and Serdar Yücel to the 1st Regional Directorate.
Rector appointments
Prof. Dr. Fuat Erdal was appointed Rector of Anadolu University, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran was appointed Rector of Hacettepe University, Prof. Dr. Metin Aksoy was appointed Rector of Selçuk University, Prof. Dr. Semih Aktekin was appointed Rector of Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Çapak was appointed Rector of Bingöl University and Prof. Dr. Turgut Özkan was appointed Rector of Doğuş University.
Ebubekir Gizligider was appointed as a board member of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office.
Oya Ercil, 1st Legal Counselor of the General Directorate of Foundations, was dismissed and Abdulkadir Sarı was appointed to the vacant position of 1st Legal Counselor.