

ye çalışır, onlara yardımcı olur.

i) Üyelerin iş hacmi, mesleki bilgi ve tecrübelerini yükseltmek için konferans, panel, fuar, eğitim, moda tasarım, dil kursları düzenleme gibi faaliyetlerde bulunur.

j) Mesleki sosyal Dayanışma ve Yardımlaşmayı gerçekleştirmek için, Balo, Gece, Eşya Piyangosu, Geziler organize eder.

k) Dernek Yönetim kurulunun belirleyeceği sayıda ve şartlardaki Yüksek Öğrenim öğrencilerine katkıda bulunur, burs verir.

l) Dernek amaç ve faaliyetlerinin duyurulup yaygınlaştırılması yolunda televizyon, gazete, dergi, kitap ve broşür gibi yayın vasıtalarından istifade eder. Bu yayın organlarını kurar, basım ve dağıtımını yapar. Toplantılar, Seminerler, Konferanslar ve Kongreler tertip eder.

m) Dernek amacına uygun faaliyetlerle ilgili olarak; gayrimenkul tasarruf eder. Gayrimenkuller üzerinde dernek leh ve aleyhine her nevi irtifak, kira, şufa, ipotek gibi haklar iktisap eder veya verir telkin fesih edebilir. Dernek amaçlarına ulaşabilmek için iktisadi, ticari işletmeler ve kooperatifler kurar. Bu muameleler yönetim kurulu kararı ile yapılır.

n) Dernek, milli ekonominin gelişmesi yolunda; sınai kalkınma, ihracat, yatırım ve döviz getirici alanlarda gerekli proje çalışmaları yaparak özel ve resmi kuruluşlarla işbirliği yapar.

o) Dernek, üyelerinin toplanabileceği lokal açar.

Dernek yukarıda belirtilen amaçların gerçekleşmesi için toplantılar, gösteriler, geziler, bilimsel çalışmalar ve sergiler düzenleyebilir, yayında bulunabilir, arşiv oluşturabilir, plan ve proje yaptırabilir ve bunlar için yarışma açabilir, sonucu uygulayabilir.

Dernek amaç ve hedeflerini gerçekleştirmek için T.C üzerinde bölge, ırk, din, mezhep kültür ve dil ayrılıkları gözetmeden, siyasi faaliyette bulunmadan, demokratik ilkelerden ayrılmadan faaliyet gösterir.

Dernek Kurucuları: Dernek kurucularının ad ve soyadları, meslekleri, uyrukları ikametgahları aşağıda belirtilmiştir.

#NAME & SURNAMENationality and OccupationADDRESS
1Ayhan KarahanT.C. / Textile ManufacturerAcıbadem, Gnç Sk. Uyum Ap. No: 41/8 Üsküdar-İst
2Fehmi DemirbağT.C. / TradesmanÇınar Mh. Esenler Cd. Balkış Ap. No: 87/20 Bağcılar
3Gıyasettin AkdemirT.C. / TraderA.N. Gürman M.. Park Sk. Arin Ap. A B1. D:28 Merter
4Hüseyin VuralT.C / ApparelHürriyet Mh. 258 Sk. N0: 16 Gaziosmanpaşa
5Necip GündoğduT.C. / FreelanceFeriköy, Savaş Sk. Demet Ap. 193/5 Şişli
6İsak SönmezT.C./ ApparelÇınar Mh. Sosyal Sk. Panar Ap. No:8 D:28 Maltepe
7Vedat TurgutT.C./ TextileMerkez Mh. Ö. Seyfettin Sk. No:25 D:6 Bahçeliveler
8H.Hüseyin UluT.C./ BusinessmanKarabayır Mh. Sakarya Cd. No:85 D: Esenler
9Yavuz YiğitT.C. / TextileHocaüveys Mh. Hüzrevpaşa Sk. No:35 D: Fatih
10Ergün ÖzdemirT.C. / Apparelİskenderpaşa Mh. Hacı Salih SK. No:31 D:4 Fatih
11Nedim ÖzbekT.C. / TextileAtaköy, 7-8-9-10 Ksm. Mh. C4 B1. F Kapı D: 27 Bakırköy
12Metin GüçarslanT.C. / TextileAmbarlı, Özge Şeref Sitesi A-3 B1. D:7 Avcılar
13Lokman KardeşT.C. / TraderZeytinlik Mh. Ömer Naci Sk. No:29 Bakırköy
14Mehmet AslanT.C./ ApparelMustafa Kemal Paşa Mh. İstiklal Cd. No:14/1 Avcılar
15Nevzat KayadumanT.C./ Textileİsmetpaşa Mh. 155 Sk. No:7 D:3 Gaziosmanpaşa
16Kadir GecüT.C./ TextileOsmaniye Mh. Cemiyet Sk. No:10 D:7 Bakırköy
17Hüseyin ÇoguplugilT.C./ TextileBaşbakanlık T. Konutları 2 etap B5 B1. A501 D:10 Halkalı/İst

Scope of the Association: The Association operates in the social and sectoral fields.

Right to Membership and Membership Procedures

Article 3 – Every natural and legal person who has legal capacity, adopts the goals and principles of the association, agrees to work in this direction, and meets the conditions prescribed by the legislation has the right to become a member of this association. However, foreign natural persons must also have the right of residence in Turkey to be able to become a member. This condition is not required for honorary membership.

Membership applications made in writing to the association presidency are decided by the association board of directors within a maximum of thirty days, either accepting or rejecting the membership request, and the result is communicated to the applicant in writing. The accepted member is recorded in the register kept for this purpose.

The main members of the association are the founders of the association and individuals accepted as members by the board of directors upon their applications. Those who have provided significant support to the association in terms of material and spiritual aspects can be accepted as honorary members by the decision of the board of directors.

Withdrawal from Membership

Article 4 – Every member has the right to withdraw from the association by written notification. The member’s resignation letter is deemed to have been finalized as soon as it reaches the board of directors. Resignation does not terminate the member’s accumulated debts to the association.

Exclusion from Membership

Article 5 – Situations requiring the exclusion of a member from the association:

  • Acting contrary to the association’s bylaws.
  • Perpetually avoiding assigned tasks.
  • Failing to pay the membership fee within six months despite written warnings.
  • Not complying with decisions made by association organs.
  • Loss of membership qualifications.

In the event of the determination of any of the above situations, the membership is terminated by the decision of the board of directors.

Those who leave or are expelled from the association are removed from the membership register and cannot claim any rights in the association’s assets.

Association Organs

Article 6 – The organs of the association are as follows:

  • General Assembly,
  • Board of Directors,
  • Inspection Board,
  • Disciplinary Board.

Establishment Form, Meeting Time, and Calling and Meeting Procedure of the Association General Assembly

Article 7 – The general assembly, consisting of registered members of the association, is the most authoritative decision-making body of the association.

The general assembly:

  • Meets regularly at the specified time in this bylaw,
  • Meets extraordinary, within thirty days, in case deemed necessary by the board of directors or the inspection board, or upon the written request of one-fifth of the association members. The ordinary general assembly meets biennially in May, as determined by the board of directors, on a date and time to be specified.

The general assembly is convened by the board of directors. If the board of directors does not convene the general assembly, upon the application of one of the members, the conciliation judge assigns three members to convene the general assembly.

Founded in 1997, LASIAD is a voluntary business world organization formed by the leading entrepreneurs and managers of the Textile and Ready-to-Wear Sector.