The Ministry of Interior sent a circular to 81 provincial governorships including the measures to be implemented during Ramadan within the scope of the fight against the new type of coronavirus (Covid-19).
According to the circular, Ramadan is one of the holy months in which orphans and orphans are taken care of, the needy and orphans are taken care of, solidarity and solidarity are experienced in the best way, and national and spiritual feelings are intensely manifested in Turkey as in the whole Islamic world, and it is planned to continue the measures taken so far in the fight against coronavirus.
According to the circular, all kinds of events that bring together crowded groups such as iftar, sahur and iftar tents will not be allowed. Since it is considered that citizens may go out and disregard the social distance rule, especially between iftar and sahur times, all necessary measures will be taken in this regard.
Closing streets that are/may be used intensively between iftar and sahur times will be considered within the scope of the measures. In addition, visits to shrines will be restricted during Ramadan.
Drummers will not be allowed to collect tips
The circular also specifies the issues to be complied with in line with the decisions to be made by provincial/district Hygiene Boards, especially district governors, together with local administrators (including municipalities) regarding Ramadan drummers.
In order to prevent the behaviors of Ramadan drummers that may pose a risk of contamination, such as visiting houses and ringing doorbells in order to receive tips, it will be essential to provide the tips that the drummers will receive as a result of their activities collectively through local means instead of individual citizens/households.
Otherwise, Ramadan drummers will not be allowed to collect tips from individual citizens and their activities will not be allowed.
Pita sales will end 2 hours before iftar
In order to prevent the risk of contamination caused by the pita queues and density that may occur during and just before iftar time during Ramadan, pita and bread production in bakeries and special orders (pita with egg, sesame, additives and similar pita) will be terminated 2 hours before iftar. Production, sales and other preparations will continue in bakeries after iftar hours.
Each province will evaluate its own dynamics in order for Ramadan to pass in an environment of peace and security, and necessary security measures will be increased throughout the province, taking into account the possible densities that may occur during this process.
Considering the traffic density, the number of vehicles and trips used in public transportation will be increased by coordinating with the municipalities at least 3 hours before iftar.
In addition, practices for ensuring social isolation, protecting social distancing and the use of masks in public transportation vehicles or stops before iftar time will be effectively supervised.
Fever measurements will be taken in cemeteries on the eve and on the feast day
In order to ensure controlled visits to cemeteries, entrances and exits to cemeteries will be planned separately. During visits to cemeteries on the eve and feast days, fever will be taken, social distancing rules and controls on the use of masks will be emphasized.
During Ramadan, inspections will be increased and necessary measures will be taken, especially considering all elements that may create density on the streets (peddlers, individual activities and similar) and the risk of contamination they may create.
Considering the places where shopping density (food, dessert / iftar sales) may increase before / during Ramadan, inspections regarding the use of social distancing protection and masks will be increased in all areas where density may increase, especially markets and market places.
Inspections against price gouging will increase
Inspections will be increased against companies or businesses that apply exorbitant prices by taking advantage of Ramadan and Eid, and necessary judicial-administrative actions will be taken immediately.
The Ministry also requested that the necessary health measures be planned and implemented by the Provincial Pandemic and provincial/district Hygiene Boards, the issue be followed up by governors and district governors, law enforcement officers and other officials under their orders, and the necessary sensitivity be shown by ensuring cooperation and coordination with the relevant units, taking into account the characteristics of each province in order to realize Ramadan in a healthy, peaceful and safe manner.
Workplaces and citizens who do not comply with the decisions taken, in accordance with Article 282 of the Public Hygiene Law, in accordance with Article 282 of the Public Hygiene Law, in accordance with the relevant articles of the Law, in accordance with the situation of non-compliance, to take action in accordance with the relevant articles of the Law, and to initiate the necessary judicial proceedings within the scope of Article 195 of the Turkish Penal Code regarding the criminal behavior.