Tolerance; understanding and treating individuals and events with sympathy and tolerance. This concept, which is essential for people to live together, is one of the most necessary phenomena in the globalized world. Especially in this era, the necessity for different societies to live together has become inevitable. The world has shrunk, and physical and cultural boundaries have disappeared. People have been forced to migrate for various reasons, presenting a new and different understanding of life. Respecting each other’s spiritual and cultural values has become an indispensable condition for coexistence. It should be known that at the center of life, just like cultures, humans are a motif from the color scale of life, and the essence lies in tolerance and respect for human values. The essential factor that makes humans human and distinguishes them from other living beings is this.
Recent events around the world have emphasized the importance of people understanding and perceiving each other correctly. It has been seen once again that individual values and beliefs, regardless of faith, culture, or color, are the most natural and fundamental rights of individuals. It is crucial to recognize the importance of respecting the sanctities and beliefs adopted by individuals, regardless of what they believe, and not to hurt societies collectively. It should also be understood that it is a flawed understanding to associate the heinous killing of people for the sake of religion or different ethnic purposes with a specific religion or community. We, as individuals belonging to a religion that commands love, peace, and loving humans for being human, do not approve of the infringement of individual rights and freedoms or attacks that go as far as disrespecting beliefs and sanctities. In this process, it is necessary to understand that the attacks that have occurred are efforts to divide communities living together in peace around fundamental values. The religion of peace, Islam, cannot be associated with terrorism, brutality, and massacres. Trying to tarnish this unique understanding that has engraved the language of love in the hearts of billions of people for thirteen centuries with projects born of dirty plots is futile efforts. Just as it is evident that the sun cannot be plastered with mud, it is clear that these games will not work. The concept of living together formed in Western countries and the richness brought by different cultural values are inseparable from the Islamic religion; on the contrary, they become stronger and solidified. Because Islam does not separate and divide individuals based on natural, cultural, and ethnic values but considers them as individuals, humans, and servants.
The multiculturalism concept currently debated in Europe has been witnessed many times throughout our history during periods when many different ethnic and cultural identities lived together peacefully. In this geography, communities have been able to carry their languages, religions, and cultures to the present day, and these values have been preserved with great sensitivity. Many nations have received great respect and understanding from both our people and the social authorities for centuries for their religious beliefs and national values. Magnificent mosques were built during that period, just as churches and synagogues were freely and voluntarily built in line with the demands of the people. Actually, the genetic codes of the civilization of love and tolerance that we desire to establish and adopt in the future have been alive and realized in the depths of our hearts throughout history. When thoroughly examined with a fundamental and correct perspective, Laleli is one of the most beautiful examples of this. Hosting numerous communities and welcoming buyers and guests from many countries with great understanding and respect, such an extensive region can contribute to the resolution of these futile debates in terms of ideas and implementation. When it is understood that the seeds of anger are not sown but the basis of peace and wealth is the coexistence of different and unique values, I believe we will live in a much more beautiful, peaceful, and prosperous world. At that time, the sweet flower of tolerance will bloom, and the beautiful scents of the language of peace will be blown into the hearts and souls of people. With the longing and hope for those happy days, I greet you and extend my respects.
Gıyasettin Eyyüpkoca