12 million pensioners’ Eid al-Adha bonuses are being deposited into their accounts as of today.
Eid al-Adha bonuses, which were announced by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services to be paid on July 17-29, started to be deposited into the accounts of pensioners today.
The Ministry announced that the increased July salaries and Eid al-Adha bonuses will be deposited into the accounts on July 17-26 for SSK pensioners and July 25-28 for Bağkur pensioners on the monthly payment days.
In addition, it was stated that the July monthly difference, August pensions and Eid al-Adha bonuses of citizens within the scope of the Pension Fund will be paid together. In this context, those who receive their pensions from Ziraat Bank on the 1st and 2nd day of each month will be paid on July 28, and those who receive their pensions on the 3rd, 4th and 5th day will be paid on July 29.
Pensioners who receive their pensions from other banks will be paid on July 28.
Source: https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/turkiye/emeklilere-kurban-bayrami-ikramiyeleri-odenmeye-baslandi/1913437