Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BDDK) notified financial institutions about the issues they will provide convenience to individual and commercial customers during the normalization period after the coronavirus outbreak.
BRSA has prepared an 11-item instruction for banks and non-bank financial institutions to provide convenience to individual and commercial customers during the normalization period.
The Authority requested the relevant institutions to meet the postponement requests of individual and commercial customers regarding their payments with a maturity date of 2020 and to provide pricing for the postponed cash flows in accordance with current market conditions.
Convenience for credit card dues
BRSA also requested that convenience be provided for credit card dues. In this context, BRSA requested that the collection be temporarily postponed in line with the request of customers who object to credit card fee collection, and on the other hand, noted that more precautionary and stringent practices should not be taken than the rules specified in the legislation regarding practices such as restricting credit card limits and closing credit cards to cash withdrawal without reasonable and concrete justifications. .
Effective inquiry and compensation in credit insurance
BRSA underlined that relevant institutions must act in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law and its relevant sub-regulations. The institution pointed out the necessity of automatically questioning whether compensation conditions are met in case of default in credit-related insurance policies and operating a system that will ensure that the loan repayment, if any, is easily covered from the insurance policy.
Convenience in banking for people over 60 and retirees
According to sources, in the letter sent to the banks from the BRSA, it is stated that “Customers who receive pensions and/or over the age of 60 can withdraw their pensions at once from ATMs due to their inability to go out frequently, ensuring that they receive fast and adequate service from branches and call centers, ensuring that customers who receive their pensions receive their pensions.” “It is deemed necessary to remove the actual obstacles in changing the banks of their choice, to fulfill the requests in a timely manner without any complaints, and to not force retirees over the age of 60 to go to branches (including card delivery).” statements were included.
Instructions were given to banks at the beginning of the epidemic period
BRSA stated that requests from customers regarding banks and non-bank financial institutions are regularly monitored and that the instructions given must be acted upon.
In the instruction sent to banks on March 20, the institution asked banks to provide convenience to customers during the COVID-19 epidemic and implemented nearly 50 measures to ensure that the business world and citizens can overcome the epidemic period with the least damage.