
GEKAP exemption for export products

Arrangements have been made to eliminate the differences in interpretation regarding the products subject to the contribution fee in the implementation principles of the regulation, which stipulates the collection of recovery contribution fee from sales points and producers/importers of products placed on the market in the country.

With the new regulation, the opportunity to return the contribution fee for products subject to recovery contribution fee, which are recalled from the market, has been introduced. No participation fee will be paid for empty deposits collected from the market after being sold by the producer. While treats served in disposable cups to students and staff at the school are excluded from the scope of participation fee, it has been stipulated that payment will be made for the products sold in the canteen.

GEKAP, in addition to plastic bags; It includes tires, accumulators, batteries, mineral oil, vegetable oil, electrical and electronic goods, medicine, plastic packaging, metal packaging, glass packaging and wooden packaging.

Exported product is out of scope

A definition titled ‘export’ was added to the definitions section of the procedures and principles. Accordingly, when a product in free circulation in Turkey leaves the Turkish customs territory, it will be considered export. In the event that exports are documented by businesses that procure packaged products and other products included in the Annex-1 list of the law and put them on the market, suppliers and exporters will not be liable for recovery contribution fee.

Rolls in foil and stretch film will be accepted as packaging.

Bobbins, spools and rolls used for the sale of products at sales points, such as aluminum foil and stretch film rolls, tissue paper rolls, thread spools, are considered as packaging. These products will be within the scope of GEKAP. Products such as rolls and reels that enable the transportation, protection and use of the raw materials subject to production (paper, fabric, thread, metallic plate) will not be considered as packaging.

Pallets, baskets and containers supplied with the product are within the scope of GEKAP

Offered to the market together with products, goods and materials in road, railway, sea and air transportation; Pallets, baskets, containers and crates made of wood, plastic and metal materials will be accepted as transportation packaging.

On the other hand, products that are subject to continuous use in the same transportation operations and are not placed on the market with the product will be excluded from the definition of packaging.

GEKAP will not be paid for deposits collected

Businesses that have established a deposit management system to collect reusable packaging for reuse and have received approval from the Ministry will submit a GEKAP declaration for the packaging placed on the market, but will not make payments. GEKAP will be paid for the amounts released to the market but not collected. For example, if 50 thousand units of a beverage of which 100 thousand units are supplied to the market are deposited, there will be no GEKAP liability for the flour. Their transportation, storage, handling and similar packaging will be subject to GEKAP.

No payments for items sent to charitable and humanitarian organizations

GEKAP will not be liable for packaged products distributed by non-profit charitable or humanitarian organizations to be delivered to those in need.

Refreshments at school are not covered, GEKAP will be paid for those sold in the canteen.

Disposable cups in dispensers placed in schools for the use of students, staff and visitors will be outside the scope of GEKAP. However, food and drinks sold in disposable cups in the canteen will be considered packaging and will be subject to GEKAP.

Disposable products in school cafeterias will also be considered within the scope of packaging and will be included in the participation fee payment.

Similarly, for example, since a garment workshop is a real/legal person sales point, GEKAP will be liable for the disposable cups served to customers there.

Return possibility for products collected from the market

Among the products that are subject to GEKAP and placed on the market, returns can be made for products and their packaging that are withdrawn from the market due to their expiration/consumption date. For products and packages withdrawn from the market in this way, only the parts paid by GEKAP will be subject to a refund request.

For example, a cough syrup manufacturer may request a refund for the packaging of products collected from the market because the expiration date has passed. Since no separate recovery contribution fee is paid for the primary packaging used for these drugs, they will not be subject to return.

Producers of biscuits made from oil will not pay

According to the example given in the principles, a company that produces vegetable oil will pay GEKAP for the product it sells to food production facilities. The company that produces products such as biscuits and cakes with this oil will not be responsible for the contribution fee.

Payment will be made for pesticides

Recovery contribution fee will be paid for imported pesticides. However, domestic sales of these products will not be subject to participation fee. Companies that import large volumes of drugs and sell them in small boxes and bottles will pay the contribution fee.

Automotive manufacturer will not pay for tires

A company that produces vehicles domestically will not pay contribution fee for the tires (including spare tires) it uses here. However, the company that produces and sells the tires will be responsible for the contribution share.

Vehicle refrigerator will vary depending on the nature of the company sold

If a company that produces an in-car refrigerator sells it to a company that uses it in the vehicle it produces, it will declare the product but will not pay a contribution fee. If the products are sold to a company that makes modifications and are not used as original parts of the vehicle, a contribution fee will be paid.

Participation fee will be paid for Powerbank

Products that qualify as power banks, which can charge equipment such as mobile phones and tablets without being directly connected to an outlet, will be evaluated within the scope of the participation fee. Transformers and generators will not be included in the scope.


