
Global Developments and Their Reflections on Laleli

As you may know, as a result of the signatures put in place during the month, the 18-year-long negotiations were completed, and the Russian Federation became the 155th member of the World Trade Organization with a Gross Domestic Product exceeding 1.9 trillion dollars. Undoubtedly, this development is of significant importance for our country and region and should be closely monitored. Especially considering that many of our regional companies operate in Russia, marginal changes may have positive or negative effects. While observing abnormal differences in the short term seems unlikely, it is crucial to start examining the potential impacts of this agreement and initiate the adaptation process without delay. In this regard, we are closely following the process in every detail, holding the strings tight to preserve the actuality of our region. Continuous evaluations and consultations initiated at the Search Conference on this matter are ongoing. We will swiftly provide information on any possible developments, keeping communication at the highest level.

This agreement actually brings us important experiences in many ways, necessitating us to pause and reflect. When we look back decades ago, the process that began with the dissolution of the Soviet Union and suitcase trade has now reached very different points, signaling that it could reach unexpected levels in the future. While this positive change is observed in our companies and region, it emphasizes the need for maximum effort in terms of image and innovation. Avoiding self-renewal while everything changes and evolves would be futile. The ongoing changes indicate that it is inevitable for us to break free from the molds of the past and develop new ideas and discourses focusing on the region. The ups and downs observed during this 18-year process should once again make companies focusing on the region think, and projects should be reviewed thoroughly to answer whether Russia is a country for trade or investment in the future.

In these days when we have entered a new season, products, displays, and stores in Laleli have been renewed, and preparations have been made. In this season, which we hope will be fruitful, street works that we emphasize for renewal have not lost momentum. Laleli, which has overcome many difficulties from the past to the present, will undoubtedly continue to progress, develop, and grow in the future. At this point, our most important duty is to analyze the world well and act progressively by closely monitoring developments. As long as we achieve this, our region will maintain its vitality, and the value of the Laleli brand will continue to rise continuously.

Giyasettin Eyyüpkoca

