Turkish Statistical Institute published the labor force input indices for the January-March period. Accordingly, the employment index adjusted for calendar effects in the total of industry, construction and trade-service sectors increased by 2.8 percent in the first quarter of the year compared to the same period of the previous year. When sub-sectors are examined, the index increased by 4.6 percent in the industrial sector, 4 percent in the trade-service sector, and decreased by 9.5 percent in the construction sector. The total hours worked index in the industry, construction and trade-service sectors decreased by 2.3 percent in the January-March period compared to the same quarter of the previous year. When the subsectors are examined, the index remained unchanged in industry, while it decreased by 11.6 percent in the construction sector and 1.9 percent in the trade-service sectors. Adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects, the employment index in the total of industry, construction and trade-service sectors increased by 0.8 percent in the first quarter of the year compared to the quarter of the previous year. Looking at the subsectors, the index increased by 1.3 percent in industry, 0.7 percent in trade-services, and decreased by 0.2 percent in the construction sector.
Hours worked and gross wage-salary indices
While the hours worked index decreased by 1.9 percent in this period, there was a decrease of 0.7 percent in industry, 2.2 percent in construction and 2.6 percent in trade-service sub-sectors. The gross wage-salary index, adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects, increased by 4 percent in this period. When sub-sectors are examined, the index increased by 5.2 percent in the industrial sector, 3.2 percent in the construction sector and 3.3 percent in the trade-service sectors. While the hourly labor cost index in the total of industry, construction and trade-service sectors increased by 18.1 percent on an annual basis, there was an increase of 18.6 percent in industry, 15.7 percent in construction and 17.3 percent in trade-service sectors among the sub-sectors.
The hourly earnings index also increased by 19 percent in the first quarter of the year compared to the same quarter of the previous year. The index increased by 20 percent in the industrial sector, 16.4 percent in the construction sector and 17.9 percent in the trade-service sectors. The labor cost index excluding hourly earnings increased by 13.3 percent in the first quarter of the year. The index showed an increase of 11.5 percent in industry, 12.4 percent in construction and 14 percent in trade-service sub-sectors.
Source: https://www.dunya.com/ekonomi/is-gucu-girdi-endeksi-yuzde-28-artti-haberi-470955