The best way to make predictions about the future is to try to build it today. Instead of suffering and complaining about endless problems, it is necessary to find new ways and try to open closed roads. It is clear that complaining in general will not lead anyone to any results. Moreover, history shows us that neither the problems nor the troubles will end. Each higher level you reach will present you with more difficult and difficult problems than before. New gains will bring new burdens to you. Because each goal you achieve will give you strength and actually improve your problem-solving ability. Problems that you once considered gigantic will now be ordinary issues for you.
In this context, we would not be wrong if we compare Laleli to Turkey altogether. Its existing cultural harmony, its structure supporting production and employment, its historical depth and most importantly its critical sensitivity to international relations transform Laleli into a microstructure that simultaneously feels all the positive and negative conditions of our country. It is possible to say that, as Laleli, we are directly affected by almost all the problems, opportunities and risks that our country experiences on a global scale. When we look at the last thirty-forty years, it is possible to see that the geopolitical processes our country has been in have affected Laleli instantly and directly. In particular, the effects of the recent Russia-Ukraine war emerged as an important factor that affected our region first-hand. However, just like Turkey, Laleli was able to turn this process to its advantage with its practical intelligence and ability to develop solutions. Issues such as the withdrawal of EU ready-made clothing brands from the Russian market one by one, the heavy economic sanctions that cut Russia off from cooperation with the West, and the inability to bring products from the Far East due to the dysfunction of Ukrainian ports, have increased the interest of these two neighboring countries in Turkey and therefore in our region. Even though the current economic problems and war affected the people of this country greatly, Laleli managed to rebuild its cooperation with these countries as the closest and most familiar commercial stakeholder. It should be noted that only companies that have internalized this new normal and know how to keep up with changing conditions can benefit from this opportunity. The companies in our region, which can constantly stay up to date, work with innovation and customer focus, have the ability to develop a flexible economic cooperation model, and have fast and high-volume communication channels, even had the opportunity to protect and partially increase their business in this process. As we said, predicting the future starts with the desire to build it. Laleli’s globally unique visual infrastructure and corporate sophistication have offered this opportunity to many of our companies. Our companies that can sense this development and adapt themselves are perhaps taking the first steps of an important partnership that will continue for decades.
It seems that the world is on the eve of a sharp break. The end of this painful period will introduce us to either the beginning of a heavy defeat for Russia or a completely different phase where the unipolar world comes to an end. If Russia, which the so-called soft-power West and its patron the USA are trying to prevent with pure sanctions, emerges from this process with gains, it is obvious that there will be a definite shift in the center, which has spent the last thirty years as the sole superpower. It is very important here that Turkey can continue its peace-centered and balance-oriented policy without compromising. As a result, Turkey will take its place on the stage as one of the most important players of this new era. Preparation for this new order probably lies at the basis of the balanced policy that our country preserves with sensitivity.
I sincerely congratulate you on Eid al-Adha, with the hope that everything that happens will be beneficial for our country and that it will bring health, tranquility, peace and prosperity to our country, and I wish you good health.
Giyasettin Eyyüpkoca