
On Global Issues

Economics is an integrated structure that includes different dynamics. It is directly or indirectly affected by many factors and is a branch of science where interdisciplinary applications are important. All sub-dimensions are included in the equation when developing a perspective on topics and events. From this point of view, when examining countries and their economic situations, it is important to make a comparative evaluation in order to understand what success or failure means in real terms.

For years, our country has been tried to be trapped both regionally and globally. Turkey, whose progress in economic, political and military terms is not very desired, is literally fighting a war to protect its national and international interests in the eyes of the oppressed people. This war continues uninterruptedly, sometimes with weapons, sometimes economically and sometimes diplomatically. As we grow and develop, the obstacles we face will increase and the forces that are unhappy with Turkey’s progress will try to block our way more aggressively. Although this reaction seems normal in terms of global interests, the importance of our country’s voice being heard can be better understood when we include the concepts of justice and equality. To confirm this and fully understand it, it will be enough to look at the past. If a stabilized country has emerged from Somalia, which was exhausted, exhausted, perhaps doomed to extinction, Turkey’s role and influence in this cannot be denied. It is undoubtedly thanks to Turkey’s constructive and brother-oriented policy that the war in Syria has calmed down to some extent. Our country’s voice and advice are listened to carefully throughout the geography, from the Balkans to the Caucasus, from the Middle East to Far Asia. With the historical burden and responsibility it carries on its shoulders, Turkey never backs down from directness and justice, even if it sometimes has to disregard its own interests. These renunciations will of course have economic and political costs, but even if standing upright and upright may have negative consequences in the short term, it will certainly find the place it deserves in the hearts of societies and peoples in the long run.

The period that started with the Arab Spring unfortunately ended with the loss of life, property and homeland of many people. Countries that have not been able to stand up despite the passing years are suffering great pain and are killing each other without mercy. Unfortunately, as in the case of Libya, a nation with no differences between them is being dragged to the brink of a deep and irrational civil war. While consortiums led by Western powers are calculating oil and money, a chaos that disregards human life is brought to life from moment to moment. Here, our country’s astute and humanitarian stance should be taken as an example by all countries of the world. Our country, which approaches global issues with democracy and the philosophy of people first, always extends a hand of friendship to its neighbors as the basin of peace and stability in its region. This geography, which is sufficiently separated, divided and disintegrated, does not have the power and energy to handle larger fractures. It is for the benefit of both the countries in the region and the world that peace, tranquility and understanding prevail in this geography. Türkiye is fulfilling its duty at this point.

Finally, we see the importance of this understanding in the issue of energy resources in the South-Eastern Mediterranean. It is unacceptable that Turkey, which has the largest coast in the Mediterranean, is excluded from the table as a fait accompli. Our country, which is strong, down-to-earth and prioritizes the rule of law, will continue its determined stance on this issue and will never allow injustice. It would be beneficial for all our interlocutors and neighbors to know this. Turkey is not and cannot be a country to be excluded, especially in global issues. It is important for the countries in the region, with which we have historical bonds of brotherhood, to act with this awareness, both for them and for the establishment of global peace.

As a country that has stood by the oppressed throughout history, we will never turn away from our path. Even though there has been deep pain in the past period, we will stand by the truth with the motto, as Yunus Emre said, “Those who are abated with oppression will have a terrible fate.” It should not be forgotten that, although evil partnerships may seem to offer gains in the short term, the main thing will always be goodness and humanity.

Gıyasettin Eyyüpkoca

