
Seasons do not change places, their characteristics change

According to the information obtained by the AA correspondent from the General Directorate of Meteorology (MGM), global average temperatures, which have increased by approximately 1 degree since the industrial revolution, affected the climate of Turkey, as well as the whole world.

MGM, which is the only authorized institution that carries out climate monitoring studies in the country, also supports global climate monitoring activities in addition to national climate monitoring studies. Turkey provides climate monitoring and seasonal forecast services to countries in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East regions through the Eastern Mediterranean Climate Center within the World Meteorological Organization.

While climate change adaptation plan studies are carried out by public institutions and local governments in order to minimize the negative effects caused by climate change, MGM also supports these studies with observation data and scientific studies.

Türkiye is in the most sensitive region

The Mediterranean Basin, which includes Turkey, is defined by the World Meteorological Organization as one of the most sensitive regions of the world against global climate change.

The General Directorate of Meteorology, with its “Turkey Climate Change Projections” project in 2013, revealed the possible changes that may occur in Turkey’s climate until 2100. Accordingly, it is predicted that Turkey’s average temperatures will increase by up to 2 degrees by 2050 and by up to 5 degrees by 2100.

It is estimated that these increases in temperatures will cause an increase in strong meteorological events such as heat waves, drought, floods, hail, storms and tornadoes in the coming years.

Winter precipitation is expected to increase throughout the country until 2100, and precipitation is expected to decrease in the autumn season, except for the coastal and northeastern parts. It is thought that the decrease in precipitation will affect the inner parts and southern regions of Anatolia the most, and this may increase drought.

Temperatures are rising

When seasonal and annual average temperatures in Turkey are examined, it is seen that average temperatures have generally been above normal since 1999.

While 2010 was recorded as the hottest year in the country, 2019 was the fourth hottest year. When the average temperatures of the last 50 years are evaluated, it appears that the hottest years were the years after 2000.

The effects of climate change on the precipitation regime are not as obvious as on temperature. There is no obvious change, decrease or increase trend in precipitation, but there are irregularities in the precipitation regime. Instead of changes in total precipitation, increases in the number, intensity and frequency of maximum precipitation stand out as the most obvious indicator of climate change. The increasing trend in strong meteorological events experienced in the country in recent years is due to the negative effects of climate change.

Sub-tropical climate impact

While there are four seasons in Turkey, which are characteristic of the temperate climate zone, there are only two seasons in the tropical and subtropical climate zones that prevail in and around the Equator. As a result of climate change, it is predicted that the subtropical zone will expand towards northern latitudes and affect Turkey. This effect changes the temperature and precipitation norms, which are the basic climate indicators of the seasons. This change in temperature and precipitation norms causes the climatic characteristics of the seasons to differ.

Accordingly, the country’s entry into a warmer climate zone causes the climatic characteristics of the seasons to change, but this does not mean that the seasons will shorten or that there will be a shift or change in the location of the seasons.


