The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources has determined the principles regarding the postponement of the accrual and collection of electricity and natural gas consumption costs in places where disasters occur due to disasters affecting public life.
The Ministry’s Regulation on the Postponement of Electricity and Natural Gas Consumption Fees Accrual and Collections Due to Disasters Affecting Public Life was published in the Official Gazette and entered into force as of January 1, 2020.
Accordingly, the financing cost for the accrual and collection of electricity and natural gas consumption charges, which are decided to be postponed for up to 1 year due to disasters, and the amounts not collected from consumers other than the principal amount resulting from the said postponement, will be covered from the Ministry budget, not to exceed the amount of the delay interest.
Analyzes regarding the scope and duration of the postponement and the financing costs that companies will incur due to the postponement will be prepared by the Ministry and submitted to the opinion of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance.
In this context, the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) will notify the companies of the implementation principles regarding the financing cost reported by the Ministry.
Companies will submit the financing costs they incurred in the previous month due to the postponement of accrual and collection of consumption charges to EMRA within the first 5 business days of the following month.
Financing costs cannot exceed the amount of late payment interest for the relevant period.
Financing costs for the relevant month will be calculated by EMRA within 7 business days from the company’s application and sent to the Ministry together with the bank account information of the relevant company. The Ministry will transfer the financing cost amounts to the accounts of the relevant companies within 5 business days following the notification made by EMRA.