
The results of the central exam within the scope of LGS have been announced

The Ministry of National Education (MoNE) announced the results of the central exam held on June 20 as part of the 2020 High School Transition System (LGS) on “”.

Like last year, MoNE published the “Central Exam Evaluation Report” at the same time as the LGS exam results.

The report, which is the 13th in the Ministry of National Education’s Education Analysis and Evaluation Reports Series and was conducted by Deputy Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer, examined the results of students in the central exam in detail, interpreted the distributions obtained in the sub-tests in the exam, and included detailed results about the technical features of the test.

Participation increased compared to last year

The central exam within the scope of LGS was successfully administered on June 20. In 2019, 1 million 29 thousand 555 students participated in the exam, while 1 million 472 thousand 88 students took part in 2020. Thus, the number of students participating in the exam increased by approximately 43 percent compared to the previous year.

The Ministry of National Education increased the number of schools approximately 5 times and the number of officials more than 2 times in order to ensure a healthy implementation of the exam.

No question cancellations in 2020 LGS

On June 20, students were asked a total of 90 questions from different branches within the scope of the LGS central exam. In the first session, which started at 9:30 am, students took Turkish, Turkish History of Turkish Revolution and Kemalism, Religious Culture and Ethics and Foreign Language tests.

The second session started at 11:30 am and students took math and science tests. None of the questions in the central exam were canceled.

Correct answers increased in science

In the 2020 central exam, the average number of correct answers was 10.00 in the Turkish subtest with 20 questions in the verbal section, 5.05 in the Turkish History of Turkish Revolution and Kemalism subtest with 10 questions, 6.39 in the Religious Culture and Ethics subtest and 3.53 in the foreign language subtest.

The numerical section included math and science subtests with 20 questions. The average number of correct answers in the math test was 4.89, while the number of correct answers in the science subtest was calculated as 10.21.

Compared to the 2019 central exam results, it was determined that students were more successful in the science test and showed lower success in other tests.

181 students scored full points

181 students from 42 different provinces answered all questions correctly and scored 500 points. In the distribution of scores ranging between 100 and 500, 7.85 percent of the students scored in the 400-500 range. The highest number of students (56.29 percent) scored in the 200-299 range. The mean and standard deviation of the exam scores were calculated as 286.35 and 69.22, respectively.

High quality in tests despite narrowing curriculum scope

As the exam was held during the pandemic, MoNE limited the scope of the 2020 central exam to the first semester when students receive face-to-face education at school.

The analyses, the results of which are shared in the report, showed that the questions in the exam have sufficient discrimination, can appeal to students at different achievement levels, and the results obtained from the subtests are reliable.

These results showed that the exam was of high technical quality despite the narrowing of its scope.

Female students are more successful

The report also analyzed the exam performance of various student groups. The findings showed that female students outperformed male students in all subtests except mathematics. This result in 2018 and 2019 central exams shows that the relatively high success of female students continues.

Students with higher levels of parental education are more successful

In another analysis, it was determined that as the educational level of the students’ parents increased, their test scores also increased. This result, which is consistent with other studies on this subject, showed that the increase in the educational level and thus socioeconomic status of parents is associated with an increase in the academic performance of students.

Exam results correlate with students’ school achievement

Another element analyzed in the report was the relationship between students’ performance in the exam and their academic performance at school. The analysis showed that in 2020, as in the previous year, there was a strong correlation between central exam results and students’ school achievement. These results show that exam performance and students’ success at school change in the same way and have a strong connection.

Students’ exam performance shows a similar pattern to the last 2 years

In the 2020 central exam, although the exam performance of the students showed a partial change compared to the 2019 central exam, the distribution of the number of correct answers was quite similar to 2019.

In both years, the subtests in which students performed relatively high were Turkish, science, Turkish Revolution History and Kemalism, Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge, while the subtests in which students performed relatively low were mathematics and foreign language.


