
TIM President Gülle: Our women will be the architects of Turkey rising with exports

İsmail Gülle, President of the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM), stated that they are planning to organize a new one of the virtual trade delegations they have realized in 7 countries so far in Latin American countries with women exporters and said, “We believe that our women will be the architects of Turkey rising with exports.”

The TIM Women’s Council, which was established within TIM in 2018 and has 54 members, continues its activities with the aim of increasing the number of women exporters, being more effective, and raising awareness about access to support and financing.

In this context, it was decided to organize a Virtual Trade Delegation to Chile, Peru, Colombia and Mexico to cover all sectors with the coordination of the Ministry of Trade and the organization of TİM in order to compensate for the effects of the shrinking international trade in the Covid-19 process, the loss in exports and to take a stronger place in the new order to be formed at the end of the process.

“We want to encourage our women exporters and create success stories”

TİM President İsmail Gülle said in a statement on the subject that they made important decisions together with the TİM Women’s Council in order to increase the number of women exporters and to make exports, which were affected especially after the pandemic period, more active.

Stating that successful women exporters took to the field to visit them in Anatolia to provide information and to explain their knowledge and experience in order to encourage exporter women who are willing to export and who have difficulties in exporting, Gülle said:

“This is one of the moves we have made to grow our export family in Turkey. On the other hand, we organize virtual trade delegations, virtual fairs and virtual meetings within our activities in the virtual environment after the pandemic. By increasing such organizations, we will enable them to enter more markets with the number of female exporters.

Since the physical fairs side of such supports we have made as TIM are generally canceled, we want to use the digital environment more to bring our women exporters to the field, encourage them and create success stories. We are in a very serious expectation and excitement about women’s awareness in the society and women’s touch on our exports.”

“We are planning a virtual trade delegation in Latin America with our women exporters”

İsmail Gülle pointed out that the Zero Waste Project and the trade delegations implemented by the TİM Women’s Council stand out among the projects carried out and said, “Last month, we held the ‘Turkey-Spain Women Entrepreneurs Dialogue’ session with the support of our council within the scope of the 1st Term JETCO between Turkey and Spain. In this session, women entrepreneurship, encouraging women to export and increasing the number of women exporters were on our agenda. We plan to carry out many important activities within our Women’s Council in the coming period.”

Emphasizing that the most important of the planned activities will be virtual trade delegations with women entrepreneurs, Gülle used the following statements:

“We are planning to organize a new one of the virtual delegations that we have realized in 7 countries so far, in Latin American countries with our women exporters. We believe that our women will be the architects of Turkey rising with exports. Our women entrepreneurs need to take a stronger place in decision-making mechanisms in business life with equal rights. Therefore, every step we take will mean that we will accomplish exemplary works not only in our country but also globally.

In this sense, the participation of our women in the economy, labor force and social projects is of great importance on our way to becoming one of the world’s top 10 economies. We cannot achieve our goals without you. With your dedication and hard work, we will break new records by overcoming obstacles even in this challenging period.”

“We expect our women entrepreneurs to be more active in using financial resources”

TİM President Gülle pointed out that the number of women who are entrepreneurs and exporters in business life is very low, and said, “Our women’s utilization of support and incentives from Eximbank, KOSGEB, private and public banks, and credit utilization rates are very low. Especially women entrepreneurs operating at the SME level need to receive more training on credit and investment. Institutions also have a role in providing training. We expect our women exporters to make good use of the supports and benefit from new supports.”

Stating that a total of 1 billion 5 million 363 thousand TL support was provided by KOSGEB to 55 thousand 46 enterprises belonging to women entrepreneurs in the 2015-2019 period, Gülle continued his words as follows:

“While the amount of support provided by KOSGEB to businesses owned by women entrepreneurs was 58 million TL in 2015, this figure exceeded 298 million TL in 2019. A total of 85 companies have applied for Eximbank’s support for women entrepreneurs so far, and a total of 6.1 million dollars of credit has been provided.

We signed a cooperation with İşbank to provide a lifeline to our exporters in the challenging conditions created by the pandemic. Within the scope of the package, we created more advantageous conditions for loans to be used by women entrepreneurs in order to ensure positive discrimination. With this package, our women exporters had the opportunity to access financing with lower interest rates. Within the scope of the loan package signed with İşbank, 570 thousand TL loans in TL and 344 thousand dollars in foreign currency have been extended to our women entrepreneur exporters. We expect our women entrepreneurs to be more active in using financial resources. It is our greatest wish that these figures increase even more. We want our women to be more courageous and entrepreneurial.”

Adalet İnanç, Vice President of TİM Women’s Council, stated that the most important way for a country to develop is through exports and said, “We have exporters in our country who are increasing day by day and running to new targets every day. However, when we look at the general evaluation, we see that the number of women exporters is not at the expected level.”

Stating that they aim to bring together women who are inclined to export with women’s platforms abroad, İnanç said, “When we look at our women exporters in Turkey, they are doing serious work, but this is not enough. As TIM Women’s Council, we are ready to support all women who want to be exporters and want to gain new markets.”


