Entrepreneurs in Turkey Honored with the Support of the Ministry of Trade, in Partnership with TİM and TEB.”
For the first time this year, the Entrepreneur Awards Ceremony was organized through the partnership of TİM (Turkish Exporters Assembly) with the support of the Ministry of Trade and TEB (Türk Ekonomi Bankası). The ceremony, held on October 11th at Çırağan Palace, rewarded 10 entrepreneurs. Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan and TİM President İsmail Gülle participated in the event. The awards included “Turkey’s Fastest Growing Entrepreneur Award” for Delphisonic, “Entrepreneur with the Highest Export Achievement” for Rem People, “Entrepreneur Exporting to the Most Countries” for Miops, “Entrepreneur Receiving the Most Investment” for Segmentify, “Most Motivating Success Story Award” for DermisPharma, “End-to-End Entrepreneurship Award” for Indisera, “Phoenix-Born from the Ashes Award” for Scotty, “First Love Award” for Gastroclub, “Most Environmentally Friendly Entrepreneurship Award” for Reengen, and “Most Successful Female Entrepreneur Award” for Artge.
“We attach great importance to Entrepreneurship Houses operating in 10 provinces.”
Stating, “An entrepreneur is a load on an economy, and without a load, you cannot form a sentence,” Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan emphasized that presenting new products, new business techniques, and innovative ideas to the market is the result of entrepreneurs’ efforts. Pekcan underscored that entrepreneurial minds are the wealth of a country, stating, “We must support and encourage all efforts to activate these entrepreneurial minds, and collectively make every effort to create the necessary ecosystems to encourage these entrepreneurial minds.”
“Turkey Ranks High in Innovation”
TİM President İsmail Gülle stated that according to the 2018 Global Entrepreneurship Index, Turkey ranks 37th out of 137 countries, and in terms of “start-up capabilities” and “innovation,” it is even higher. Gülle mentioned that they started opening TİM-TEB Entrepreneurship Houses to contribute to entrepreneurs who shed light on Turkey’s future, launching the initiative with TEB in 2015. He reported that they have trained more than 650 entrepreneurs to date.
Author Ayşe Arman and Ali Erkin, the President of the Turkey Game Developers Association, received the “Inspiring Entrepreneurs Award,” and Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ) and Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) were presented with a special award for their contributions to Turkey’s entrepreneurship ecosystem. LASİAD Board Chairman Gıyasettin Eyyüpkoca and General Secretary Şerafettin Yüzüak attended the award ceremony.