
Türkiye in the New Equation

With Trump coming to power, the economic balances established in the world began to change one by one. The US’s start of dumping on iron and steel imports has caused global trade to be questioned again. Again, the annual bill of the latest tariffs imposed by the USA against China to China is around 60 billion dollars. The economic performances of the last 15 years have turned into a contradictory situation, resulting in the USA, the capitalist pioneer of Western civilization, advocating protectionist policies and China, the cradle of socialism, demanding the removal of customs walls. The future is probably turning into a process where global trade begins to weaken and countries will focus more on their own domestic economies. In this process, in which regional powers will take a more active role, it is inevitable that dynamic countries with a strong development potential and high development potential will be successful.

So how did we get to this situation? If we read the last 30 years correctly, it is possible to come to a more rational conclusion. So much so that, while the US economy was approximately 16 times the size of the Chinese economy in 1989, today this difference has decreased to 1.6. In summary, while the US economy has grown 3.57 times since 1989, the Chinese economy has grown approximately 34.5 times. In other words, the growth rate of the Chinese economy is almost ten times higher than that of the US economy. Assuming that the situation continues like this, it can be seen that the economic system adopted in the last hundred years of the world is cracking at its roots. In this case, Western countries, especially the USA, had to develop defense mechanisms against the Chinese factor, which was growing and developing in ways they had not expected. In particular, the evolution of China’s current economic growth into political and military influence and influence greatly worries Western countries. In addition, the inclusion of a stable Russia, which is in the opposing bloc and has proven itself in the military field, into the equation on the China axis is a situation that puts the West in a corner. At this point, Trump’s latest economic moves should never be seen as the unserious policies of a crazy businessman who took over a giant country. On the contrary, these steps can be considered as the common wisdom of the American people who are concerned about the future. As we always say, the world is no longer the same. Wars, fights and squabbles are quite different from the past. While concepts such as robotic techniques, artificial intelligence and automation are becoming more and more integrated into our lives, all past systems are now having to be questioned in one way or another.

Our duty as a country is to write a brand new story in this process where the truths of the past are out of date. Together with this story, we must realize a wonderful project that will reveal our next century and carry us into the future. Within the framework of this possible doctrine, we must seek ways to build together a Turkey that can cope with the world economies and is strong, effective and dynamic in the political and military fields. If we do not implement these cyclical opportunities at the right time and in a rational manner, all these opportunities may turn into possible crisis scenarios of the coming decades.

Turkey, the most powerful country in its region in every sense, will undoubtedly write its own future. Our country’s cooperation with different blocks can only be carried out on a win-win basis. Otherwise, it is a situation that our growing and developing country would not prefer, and any initiative that will be implemented in our region despite Turkey is doomed to failure. Therefore, it is especially important for Western countries to take this into consideration. If we are united as a country, all plans, no matter how strong and how insidious, will fail. We saw this clearly with the Afrin operation of our heroic armed forces. The plans played on our country were destroyed with a successful operation. On this occasion, I wish God’s mercy to our 46 children who were martyred in the Afrin operation and a speedy recovery to our 226 veterans who were injured. Thanks to their courage, bravery and patriotism, our country achieved a unique victory.

We, as a nation that has suffered throughout history to stand by the oppressed, deserve prosperity and peace. As traders and industrialists, our duty is to always be at the service of our country. With these intentions and wishes, I greet you and wish you health, peace and happiness.

Giyasettin Eyyüpkoca

