
Understanding the new world order…

Sometimes you have to take a few steps back to take a leap. The retreat here is not a withdrawal or acceptance of defeat. This is just the preparation phase of a rise, the first steps of a blessed adventure. The target is the same, the range is the same, what is done is only a necessary arrangement to reach there. Especially if the intention is fixed with the line of destiny, then no one can prevent or stop this arrow-like rush. In the course of time, sooner or later the destination is reached. Although intervening road accidents, treacherous shoulder blows, trips and stabbings partially delay this progress, they cannot interfere with its final outcome.

Our country’s global journey is just like this. Turkey, where obstacles are placed in front of it, steel sets are erected, and attempts are made to detain it with false scribbles at every step it takes on its path, will definitely reach the goal it is looking for. In the current process, we see that we embrace all our brotherly peoples, no matter how far or near. Regardless of their religion, language, race, culture, whatever they feel they belong to, the nations that are victims of this imperialist game stand shoulder to shoulder. The struggle put forward is the fight between good and evil, right and wrong, oppressor and oppressed, and our country and nation represent this spirit itself. Societies that have been unjustly oppressed for more than a century, whose resources have been exploited, who have lived on wealth and suffered hunger, who have been made to fight against each other by fake games and puppet leaders, are rising up as they hear Turkey’s voice louder and stronger. This is exactly the source of this open and shameless attack against our country, especially in recent years. The nylon civilized class in Europe, accustomed to living off others, is increasing their aggression with the fear of losing the resources they have been consuming for centuries. The biggest target they see here is undoubtedly our country. The walls they try to pile up in front of us, sometimes by putting themselves at the forefront and sometimes with their pawns trying to fake heroism, are nothing but pebbles for us. As we always say, the arrow is out of the bow and sooner or later it will reach its target. We are personally witnessing this sudden trend both in the Caucasus and in our surrounding geography. Common sense always requires solidarity, understanding, peace and sharing. In this sense, Turkey always expresses the need to sit at the table, talk and consult. The helpless people who do not obey the rules will one day realize their mistakes, but that day may be too late for them. We have been saying for a long time that the global balance of power is changing and nothing will ever be the same again. This change, which strategists are screaming out loud, will perhaps take place within three to five years. While those who should act with common sense and win-win logic still continue their spoiled actions, it seems that they will still be the losers. The world is going through a process where, just like a scale, powers are shifting towards the east, both economically, politically and militarily. New countries that are likely to have a say in global politics are aware of Turkey’s power, influence and potential. However, unfortunately, the heedless, who consider themselves the cradle of civilization and exclude everyone else, cannot comprehend this change. Maybe they are aware and intend to stop it, but their efforts are futile and unnecessary. Change is like a sea of water that tends to exceed its dam. Stopping this waterfall cannot be achieved by placing stones in its path or building a barrier in front of it. On the contrary, the more it blocks its path, the more destructive it becomes. All the glass walls that are being tried to be placed in front of Turkey are doomed to break. As those on the economic side of this development, we believe that bright days are near. We are sure of this; Our country will emerge stronger from the Pandemic process that shook the world. This time, we will continue on our way in the new balance, not as one of the players, but perhaps as the founder of the game. I wish you a healthy, peaceful and happy year, hoping that we will be witnesses of this story of brotherhood that will surround the world.

