LASİAD, the traditional Laleli Meetings, took place on Thursday, July 19th, at Laleli Wyndham Hotel. This month’s ‘Laleli Meetings’ focused on raising awareness about Law No. 7143, commonly known as the ‘urban development amnesty’ in the public. In the program, which received significant interest from Laleli residents, Construction Engineer Hayati Güneş delivered a detailed presentation on the topic and answered participants’ questions.
LASİAD President Gıyasettin Eyyüpkoca delivered the opening speech of the meeting, attended by members of the Board of Directors, Audit, and Discipline Committee. Eyyüpkoca provided information about LASİAD’s contributions and the involvement of Mustafa Demir, the AK Party Istanbul 2nd Region Deputy, and Former Mayor of Fatih Municipality, in the process of correcting the urban development amnesty to include Laleli.