Working is the best capital, says the Prophet. Omar (ra). Person; He should work and strive as much as he can, and should never refrain from serving and being useful to humanity within his knowledge and skills. Since the first day we took office, we have been thinking about how we can serve our region and our country, how we can increase Laleli’s share in global trade, and we carry out our activities within this scope.
At our recent general assembly, our valued members entrusted us with this valuable duty for another term. Together with our friends on our board of directors and with the sincere support of our members, we are determined to implement projects that will carry Laleli to the future. I hope and wish that our sincere intentions will be rewarded and that we will build a much stronger and more effective Laleli together. One of the most important elements that makes us different is undoubtedly the spirit of togetherness that is engraved in the hearts of individuals in our region. This identity, unique to Laleli and created specifically for Laleli, was established on the basis of the understanding of serving our country while elevating our region. It is useful to know that we act with this philosophy and consciousness in every step we take, in every project and activity we undertake. This is the underlying truth behind Laleli’s stability and its continued development and growth even under the most challenging global conditions. This view, which says “we” instead of “me” and embraces creating social benefit instead of individual gain, is the main element of Laleli’s trade, tourism and logistics adventure that has lasted for decades.
The pedestrianization project, which was carried out last month with the cooperation and support of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Fatih Municipality and Fatih District Governorate, should be seen as a historical achievement for the present and future of our region. This project, which puts us one step ahead in our race with the fashion centers with which we compete globally, is almost a revolution for Laleli. While physically restoring the infrastructure, showcases and structures of our region, the most important application that would enable these beauties to emerge would undoubtedly be possible by removing the vehicles from the field. With this important program, Laleli’s exquisite architecture, unique avenues and streets, history, culture, fashion and design power will be revealed, and our visitors to our region will be able to shop with pleasure and comfort. I think that we will receive the results and outcomes of this important change over the years and that we will better understand how vital an issue has been resolved over time. Thanks to this project, Laleli; It will be the most important center of the historical peninsula in terms of tourism, trade and logistics, and will become the showcase and most valuable stage of Istanbul. The change will start from Laleli, just like in the past, and will continue with Laleli. In this sense, we are also happy that Laleli has produced a work that will be a model for Turkey in every stage from the beginning to the end. On behalf of our region and LASİAD, I would like to thank Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mr. Ekrem İmamoğlu, Fatih Mayor Mr. M.Ergün Turan, Fatih District Governor Mr. Kaan Peker, and the valuable managers and employees of these valuable institutions, who took part in every stage of the project and provided their support. I express my deep gratitude. In this way, we have seen once again how important common sense is and what benefits it brings in order to serve our country.
As I conclude my words, I would like to express my sincere gratitude, together with my fellow board members, to our general assembly members who deemed us worthy of this position once again. We will continue to carry the honor of serving Laleli with great love, with the awareness of our responsibility and our unwavering determination to work. May Allah (swt) help us all and do not embarrass us in fulfilling this heavy duty. I greet you with these wishes and wish you healthy, healthy and peaceful days.