YOUNG LASİAD continues its meetings. On Wednesday, October 4th, the Young LASİAD Committee gathered at the Laleli Industrialists and Businessmen Association (LASİAD) to discuss changes in Laleli, online sales for businesses, e-commerce applications, and many other innovations. The meeting was attended by Young LASİAD Board Vice President Erdem Soylu Karabağlı, Board Members Mehmet Muhammet Yaşar, Gökhan Karabulut, Private Secretary Nada Ökten, and Project Responsible Fatih Akkoç, along with Young LASİAD Committee Members Deniz Nayman, Eren Varlık, Mustafa Samsama, Yılmaz Dorukoğlu, and Yusufcan Eyyüpkoca.
“As Laleli Market Renews, It Gets Better”
The changes in Laleli over the past 5 years and their reflections on tradesmen were discussed. Gökhan Karabulut, looking at statistics from his own company, stated, ‘This year gives confidence and hope compared to the last 3 years. As the market renews, it gets better.’
Board Vice President Erdem Soylu Karabağlı said, ‘Every crisis creates an opportunity. I believe that with the recent crisis in Laleli, new opportunities have emerged. Tradesmen have pulled themselves together and achieved change. YOUNG LASİAD should do its part during this process, participate in foreign visits and fairs.’
Board Member Mehmet Muhammet Yaşar commented on the matter, ‘Our business is improving in recent days. We are designing, preparing collections, but we are waiting for the customer to come. We can do business when a customer comes to Laleli. Comprehensive planning for the next year has not been done yet. How we will overcome this should be discussed.’
Deniz Nayman, who mentioned that his childhood was spent in Laleli, said, ‘The streets of Laleli used to be very crowded. Now I walk on a street that is more dead compared to those days. There is a need to do new things to liven up the market. Collaboration should be established with designers, and a Fashion Academy should be established. LASİAD can take the lead in these innovations. This way, the market will come alive.’
Mustafa Samsama said, ‘Laleli is the center of Turkish trade. Many companies are here, and they do business together. YOUNG LASİAD will bring vitality with its new ideas.’
Yusufcan Eyyüpkoca emphasized the need to solve traffic-related problems and said, ‘Parking affects the customer in a place where there is a crowd of people.’
Eren Varlık stated, ‘In recent years, Iranian and Arab tourists come a lot. There is generally an improvement now. Hopefully, deficiencies and innovations will be discussed along with our meetings.’
Yılmaz Dorukoğlu said, ‘There used to be no road, but there were many customers. There is no decrease in the number of customers, but there is a dispersion. Changing conditions have changed supply and demand in the international market. Laleli should come out of its shell. The customer no longer comes to the shop. The buyer has not changed but has dispersed; we need to catch that again.